March 15, 2011


A good friend would offer you an umbrella in the rain, but a best friend would steal yours and say "run bitch, run!!" thank God today the weather was good, and we don't need umbrella's, so we could go outside dressed up really light and eat ice cream all day long.



March 10, 2011


The best book's ever
  1. Eat pray love
  2. Lipstick jungle
  3. Romeo and Juliet
  4. Breakfast at Tiffany's
  5. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

March 6, 2011


Calling us bitches?
Dude, we mastered BITCHIOLOGY
and you are our main subject.

March 5, 2011

our great future plans

Find a job we like
Get rich
Move to New York
Buy an amazing apartment
Meet nice people
Buy 100 pairs of shoes
Travel to at least 50 places
Take a lot of pictures

February 3, 2011